Tuesday, December 7, 2010

I will not be moved.

So I made the conscious decision recently to wait for and then follow only God's leading.  Christmas Eve 2008, I felt led to visit a certain church.  I somehow managed to ignore that prompting until September of 2010.  How courageous I thought myself to be that I finally went.  Immediately (of course), I felt at home there.  God filled that place, and I bowed my head in wonder.  A chorus played over in my mind:  "In Your presence, that's where I always want to be."  Naturally, it took me another month to return, and that time I brought along reinforcement.  Again, the Spirit pressed upon my heart that I was exactly where He wants me to be.  This past Sunday, I came up with several legitimate reasons not to attend this church for the third time.  Each obstacle was removed.  Still feeling that I needed confirmation and approval, I questioned my motives to two trusted friends.  Stop questioning and just go!  Twice, I heard it.  I obeyed.

Over the past two days I have been bombarded with distractions.  Waiting is not easy.  God never said it would be.  He did however say that it would be worth it.  To obey is better than sacrifice.

Psalm 130:5
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I put my hope.

Regardless of the distractions railed against me, I will not be moved.